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Little Jewford

Lone Star Journal -- Another Fine Release From Little Jewford
A Texas Original Finds A Whole New Style by Nick Lewin

The latest recording of all new songs by Texas musician Little Jewford is “Little Jewford Plays The Little Jewford Songbook.” As you might guess it contains self-penned songs from this popular and talented musician. The fact that it is labeled “Opus One” gives hope that there will soon be a companion album for us to enjoy! It has been too long since his last release “A Little Little Jewford,” and the many fans of this cult performer, and highly talented pianist, are already expressing excitement about the style and direction his music is taking.

Jewford is delighting his old fan base and attracting new fans with his quirky style and inimitable skills at the keyboard. The release is co-produced by Brett Cline, who also supplies invaluable musical input on the recording. It truly expresses another facet of this superb artist. Jewford’s humorous and often heartfelt lyrics blend perfectly with his piano stylings. Part Dr. John, part Gershwin, and a whole bunch of other things, Jewford has found a unique style in the music world.

To read the complete review click here.

Honk Magazine | Celebrity, Hollywood, Entertainment News, Music

Little Jewford, the renowned singer, songwriter, and comedian, has released his new single “People Call Us Crazy,”

Little Jewford’s new single “People Call Us Crazy” is a heartfelt tribute to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. This country classic soulful music also draws inspiration from Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005. Despite a challenging year battling throat cancer, Little Jewford was inspired to finish the song and share it with the world. To read the complete review click here.


Little Jewford puts on one helluva show...a first class showman! -Perry Tong, Pop's Safari Room

"I've performed with a lot of great pianists and keyboardist, but very few people can play like Little Jewford." -Kinky Friedman

“...the hilarious Little Jewford, a longtime Friedman collaborator and original member of the Texas Jewboys...has played the comic foil to Friedman for decades and has his act down to a comic science.”  –William Michael Smith, Houston Press Blog

"A true professional and a tremendous entertainer.  One month turned into two years. The Best!" -Charlie Head, Stella's Piano Bar

"This multi-talented musician/witty comedian… is the only original “Texas Jewboy” left standing with the man in black. His approach to the audience…is like a tractor beam from an alien ship taking you to a distant galaxy." - 

"Little Jewford's...dry humor is a plus as is his playing of keyboards and accordion." -Variety

“Little Jewford …functioned as a one-man Firesign Theater, playing Ed McMahon to Friedman’s Johnny Carson and punctuating the proceedings  with MC patter, deadpan  asides, and impressively articulate belches.” –Times of Acadiana 

"Especially skilled at vocal delivery is Houston keyboard man, Little Jewford." -Houston Chronicle

“And speaking of Little Jewford, that piano-playin’ Jewboy who loves the sound of his big, Big, BIG announcer voice…Jewford’s pretty damn imaginative & pretty damn funny.” –The Urbanite Magazine 

“The entertainment would have won any "Best in Show!"  Little Jewford serenaded the crowd on the piano” –

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Little Jewford
New Braunfels, TX

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